Social Creativity: The Engine of Software Development in the Social Era
Shower moments. We’ve all had them. Even Archimedes had one. Suddenly, all the dots connect and an idea forms. (Yes. I know. Archimedes actually had a “bathtub moment” when he discovered how to measure the volume of a solid, but the principle is the same.) These soapy moments of creativity feel as though they come from nowhere, but do they really? Does any form of creativity emerge in isolation? Let’s consider the dots; that is, those bits of datum that hang suspended in mental space until the steam from the shower brings them together. To be sure, they are all your mental notions. However, unless you existed in complete isolation prior to said shower, they came from your previous interactions with the real world. They represent your encounters with nature’s creations, other people’s creations, or your own previous creations. Even the most isolated moments of creativity depend on a single principle: Ex nihilo nihil fit, Latin for “Nothing comes from nothing.” Every creation incor...